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「喜氣羊羊迎新歲」加拿大中文電台 2015 年打響頭炮的賀歲節目,當晚筵開 45 席,星光熠熠城中名人紛紛出席支持晚宴的表演嘉賓盧業瑂何活權「好蜢」及特別表演嘉賓仙杜拉的精湛演出令人拍案叫絕我們準備了以下幾輯精華短片率先與大家重溫。事不宜遲,去片!

No matter what your age you are, you must love the performance by Fairchild Radio DJs and special guest Sandra Lang at the "Chinese New Year Gala 2015". It was an amazing night full of classic and contemporary pop songs. Let us take a look at the video highlights. 

2 月 1 日 (星期日), 我們會上載「喜氣羊羊迎新歲」的圖片集,當中包括晚宴的幕後花絮及「最搶眼服裝造型大獎」得主,敬請留意。

攝錄鳴謝 Videography: Raymond Chan

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