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加拿大中文電台剛舉行聖誕聯歡派對,大會主題為「 Winter Wonderland」,多位 DJ 以夢幻仙子、白雪公主、冰雪女郎等打扮競逐「至 Cool Winter Wonderland 造型大獎」。結果由 AM1470 DJ BChiu (中) 反串成為動畫電影《Frozen 魔雪奇緣》女主角 Elsa 大熱勝出,FM96.1 DJ Carmen 邵蔚華(左) 奪得亞軍,至於季軍則由粵語新聞採訪及主播 Sabrina 陳妍筠 (右)奪得。

更多派對花絮及圖片集,請留意 12 月 19 日的報導。

Christmas Party 號外!電台派對至 Cool 造型獎

Every girl wants to be a princess. Tonight, at the Fairchild Radio Christmas Party,  AM1470 DJ BChiu takes off his suit and dresses up as the "Elsa the Snow Queen" to compete with other female DJs in the "Winter Wonderland Best Costume Award". His "glamorous look" brings him the title of Champion and a pair of Canucks hockey tickets.