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在剛剛完滿結束的溫哥華華裔小姐選美會上,特別表演嘉賓許廷鏗 Alfred Hui 的精彩演出,已經令大家留下深刻印象。「度身訂造」主持 Mary Lo 盧玉鳳亦趁機邀請許廷鏗做專訪,讓聽眾對這位極有個人特色的流行歌手作多方面的了解。

Alfred 牙醫歌手許廷鏗的音樂抱負 Alfred 牙醫歌手許廷鏗的音樂抱負

觀眾最初認識許廷鏗是在無線電視第一屆的「超級巨聲」Alfred 亦從此進入了香港樂壇,現在更成為樂壇炙手可熱的實力派偶像歌手。許廷鏗除了唱歌,還有份參與幕後製作,他最近推出的新歌「福氣」的MV,大部份是來自自己的構思,他的意念是希望把以往跟他合作過的工作伙伴集結起來,藉著一起拍攝這個MV,來表達大家融洽相處的團隊精神和真摰的友誼。而即將推出的新碟,有幾首歌的曲和詞是出自許廷鏗的手筆,講述他對愛情和婚姻的看法。

Alfred 牙醫歌手許廷鏗的音樂抱負 Alfred 牙醫歌手許廷鏗的音樂抱負


Alfred 牙醫歌手許廷鏗的音樂抱負 Alfred 牙醫歌手許廷鏗的音樂抱負

Alfred Hui began his singing career after participated in TVB’s “The Voices of the Stars” singing competition.  Since then he has become one of TVB's favorites and was chosen to sing the theme song of several chart-topping dramas.  On top of singing, Alfred is also trying his hands on songwriting and lyrics-writing and his new creations can be found in the upcoming album. Recently, Alfred was invited to perform on the Miss Chinese (Vancouver) Pageant 2014 organized by Fairchild TV. Taking this opportunity, DJ Mary Lo chatted with Alfred on her radio program on AM1470 talking about his music and dentist career. Click here to review the interview.

Delon 廖德隆亦於他的節目中訪問了許廷鏗,並將會於一月播放。
Delon 廖德隆亦於他的節目中訪問了許廷鏗,並將會於一月播放。