加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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為期 6 星期的「寒衣送暖流」,今天舉行第一個「送暖有禮日」,聽眾們非常慷慨地捐出家中剩餘的衣服、棉被及玩具。除了Sunshine Boyz & Girlz,以及 Little Sunshine 擔當暖流大使,落力整理善長帶來的舊衣物外,AM1470FM96.1 DJ 亦到場打氣支持。溫情贊助 AutomindPresident & CEO Paul Tseng 連續三年也來共襄善舉。從下午 12 時到 4 時,數百位善長前來捐獻,由於反應非常熱烈,收集寒衣時間延遲至 4 時半一共籌得 3,010 磅的衣服,比去年第一天的「送暖有禮日」高出 24%成績令人振奮。

In less than 5 hours, we have collected 3,010 pounds of unwanted clothes and toys from our audience for The Salvation Army today.  What a marvelous success!

If you have missed the chance of bringing us your donation today, our next “Winter Warm Wave – Give The Gift of Warmth” will be held on December 28, from 12pm – 4pm at Aberdeen Centre, just outside of Fairchild Radio. You are also welcome to bring your unwanted clothes to the designated Salvation Army collection bins.  Click here for locations.

下一次「送暖有禮日」將於兩星期後,即 12 月 28 日 (星期日),12pm - 4pm 舉行,歡迎大家把衣服帶到位於列治文時代坊加拿大中文電台辦事處,凡捐贈衣物滿 5 磅,我們的暖流大使將會送上體貼窩心的 Shake Shake 暖包,數量有限,先到先得。12 月 28 日再見!


See you on December 28!

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Winter Warm Wave 寒衣送暖流 誰是紙箱人?
Winter Warm Wave 2014 寒衣送暖流 收集地點一覽

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