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Speaking of the Wanting Qu, most people know that she is a Chinese singer-songwriter and pianist based in Vancouver, and her singles "You Exist in My Song" and "Drenched" were used in the soundtrack for the Hong Kong film "Love in the Buff", but did you know this is her second year as the ambassador for Vancouver tourism? Visit http://www.tourismvancouver.cn/ and you will see her showing us some beautiful Canadian parks as well as the Canadian Rockies!
日前她受邀參與由大衛鈴木基金會(David Suzuki Foundation)發起的「藍點全國之旅」(Blue Dot National Tour)橫加旅程結束儀式的活動,擔任表演嘉賓。此活動是希望喚起加拿大人對環保的持續關注,因此她也接受了加拿大中文電台AM1470與FM961的Mary與捷穎的專訪,除了分享自己對溫市的情感外,更透露了在歌曲「Drenched」的歌詞當中 - "When you kissed me on the street"的那條街,事實上就是Granville Street。因此自己更希望在明年發行的新專輯中,結合更多溫哥華的景點,藉著新歌來推廣溫市風光。
Recently Wanting was invited to perform at The Blue Dot Tour which is a movement to recognize every Canadian's right to live in a healthy environment. Wanting also visited Fairchild Radio for interviews with AM1470's Mary and FM961's Jieying. During these interviews she talked about how she loves living in Vancouver, and would like to introduce this amazing city to the world with her music.
Please Click HERE to listen to Wanting's interviews!
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