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100%完全創作音樂人 - 嚴爵,五年音樂路的回顧與全新起點!加拿大中文電台今天全球首播,嚴爵最新力作「USA」

Music 聯合首播 嚴爵《USA》 Music 聯合首播 嚴爵《USA》

近期回歸成長地舊金山嚴爵,走在熟悉的街道上,看到街頭藝人的即興 solo 表演,忽然感覺整個城市都是自己的主舞台,而生活就是一場完美的即興演出。正是在這個城市,他接受了最初的音樂熏陶,到後來全情投身音樂,主動出擊、困頓、轉折、挑戰……一切的開始,正是在舊金山,於是嚴爵揮筆寫了「爵式人生」並隨書附送單曲「USA」拍攝花絮 DVD 

Music 聯合首播 嚴爵《USA》 Music 聯合首播 嚴爵《USA》


Music 聯合首播 嚴爵《USA》

Yen moved to USA at the age of 10 for education. He started playing the piano and the trombone at an early age, and at the age of 11, he started composing his own music and also learned to play other instruments to further his interests in jazz music. Starting toady, Fairchild Radio get you the latest single "USA" from Yen. Together with his new book Lifestyle of Yen-J, it is no doubt a special surprise to his fans.