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萬眾矚目的Disney on Ice很快又同大家見面 ! 眾多可愛的廸士尼卡通人物會載歌載舞與觀眾歡聚一堂,到時一定又開心又興奮 ! 今年的主題為Let’s Party !11月26-30日在溫哥華的太平洋體育館公演。加拿大中文電台為了讓聽眾一家大小共享一個溫馨歡樂的時刻,誠意送出一套四張的家庭套票予10位幸運兒。由11月17-21日期間,聽眾只要收聽本台AM1470 FM96.1 全線節目,密切留意參加辦法及遊戲規則,即有機會贏取一套四張的免費入場券,萬勿錯過! 

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Disney on Ice presents another show this year called Let’s Party! This party will be held on Nov 26-30 at PNE Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver. Fairchild Radio is giving away 10 sets of free tickets (each set a family pass for 4). Stay tuned to AM1470 and FM96.1 from Nov 17 to 21 and you may have a chance to win a set of 4 tickets for your family.  Don’t miss your chance to have a wonderful experience with the Disney characters.

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Disney on Ice 今次開大型派對,場面當然要有聲有色,所以特別邀請了超過50多位極受歡迎的廸士尼卡通人物參加演出,其中包括「米奇和米妮老鼠」、「夢遊仙境的愛麗絲」、「與蒂安娜共聚狂歡」、「史廸仔」、「巴斯光年」和「瑰麗的經典廸士尼公主」等等數之不盡,可想而知今次廸士尼冰上派對的演出肯定精彩絕倫,目不暇給。

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This year, Let’s Party on ice will bring a magical and wonderful evening with more than 50 Disney characters from 16 beloved Disney stories including Mickey & Minnie Mouse; Alice and the Mad Hatter; Mardi Gras with Princess Tiana; a Hawaiian luau with Lilo & Stitch; Jessie and Buzz Lightyear and a Royal Valentine’s Day Ball with the Disney Princesses and many more.