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陳明恩形容自己為「一個講廣東話的鬼妹仔」,她的中文程度有可能勝過於海外長大的華人! 去年陳明恩來溫哥華擔任 Sunshine Nation 表演嘉賓,結識了AM1470 DJ 盧玉鳳。今次再度蒞臨溫哥華作見證分享音樂會巡迴演出之餘,亦專程探望好友盧玉鳳

Corinna Chamberlain, a Hong Kong-born Caucasian actress, speaks fluent Cantonese. DJ Mary Lo had interviewed Corinna in her music show on AM1470Corinna has fallen in love with Vancouver ever since she came to perform for the Sunshine Nation last year.  She is very excited to be in Vancouver again, sharing her love and music in the "Lost & Found Canada Tour".