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我無感的笑著,也無感的痛著,這段旅途的最初,我,一個人 ;



Music 聯合首播 黃鴻升《有感情歌》

Alien Huang, also known as 小鬼, is a Taiwanese singer, actor, TV presenter, lyricist, writer, illustrator and fashion designer. He was formerly part of Japanese TV Asahi's disbanded boy band HC3 in 2002 and Taiwanese Rock Records' disbanded boy band Cosmo (丸子) in 2003.

Later, as a solo artist, he has released several albums and acted important roles in numerous movies and television dramas. He is perhaps best known as presenter of a popular Taiwanese variety entertainment show, 100% Entertainment《娛樂百分百》. Fairchild Radio will be premiering his latest single有感情歌」, a love song for people like us who just can’t say “love” out loud.

Music 聯合首播 黃鴻升《有感情歌》 Music 聯合首播 黃鴻升《有感情歌》

由知名詞曲作者張簡君偉譜寫製作,搭配超強新生代編曲 JerryC「有感情歌」,精準地道出你和我人生旅途中每一段有感故事,讓人引起共鳴與投射,唱出我們隱藏已久的情緒,道出了分分秒秒的深刻記憶。在別緻的鋼琴旋律及細細琢磨的吉他音符中,編織出如火山爆發般的抒情張力,震撼聽眾們的耳朵,而那略帶酸澀的說故事唱法,不刻意中的在意,加上鋒利溫柔的聲音表情與咬字,都在黃鴻升細膩詮釋下顯得動聽。


Music 聯合首播 黃鴻升《有感情歌》 Music 聯合首播 黃鴻升《有感情歌》