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Mayday 五月天 After-Concert 專訪回顧

台灣搖滾天團Mayday五月天日前結束了諾亞方舟世界巡迴演唱會溫哥華場,他們極具感染力的現場魅力讓這場演出成為本地今年最具話題的演出之一,當晚在各大Social Media上,幾乎都是被五月天的這場演出相關的話題洗版。

The legendary Taiwanese band Mayday just wrapped up their concert in Vancouver and everybody is talking about. Well, the 5 members from Mayday have something to say too. Want to listen to their interview? Click at the bottom of this article for the direct link!

Mayday 五月天 After-Concert 專訪回顧 Mayday 五月天 After-Concert 專訪回顧



Click Here For Mayday's After Concert Interview!