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Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 invited renowned author and entrepreneur, Dr. Leung Fung Yee to be one of the judges.  And during here time in Vancouver, she met an old friend Anita Lee, who starred in one of the dramas that based on Dr. Leung’s book. Dr. Leung shared her views on “beauty” and also her thoughts on how to become successful.

Interview 李婉華訪問梁鳳儀

梁博士是一位香港的企業家以及作家, 筆下有不少以商界為背景的著作,而李婉華也因為梁博士的其中一本著作「風雲變」和她結緣

Interview 李婉華訪問梁鳳儀

此次來溫哥華擔任選美比賽的評判梁博士除了和大家分享她對「美」的定義外,更分享她對人生、對事業的看法。她還順道透過大氣電波, 以自己公司的名字去叮囑包括李稼軒在內的年輕人, 假如想要成功, 必定需要勤力

Interview 李婉華訪問梁鳳儀

收聽「小心華之里」- 李婉華訪問梁鳳儀

Listen to Dr. Leung Fung Yee’s interview by Anita