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 Winter Safety Tips 防冬手冊

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隨著近日北極冷氣團的來襲,相信大家都感受到了零下低溫的驚人威力。而除了以厚重衣物保暖之外,在加拿大的冬日生活其實還有很多需要注意的地方,為了讓各位聽眾能有個幸福溫暖與平安的Holiday Season, 加拿大中文電台將於12/9~12/27特別開闢Winter Safety Tips防冬手冊小單元,若想知道在寒冷的天氣當中,居家生活、健康與交通上有哪些需要注意的事項,就要持續鎖定AM1470FM961囉!

The winter is really amoung us! Recently the arctic cold front is visiting Vancouver, everyone is trying their best to say warm in the below zero weather condition. But do you know there more to just wearing more clothes to stay warm and safe in winter? Starting from 12/9, Fairchild Radio will be doing a winter special segment - Winter Safety Tips. Stay-tuned to AM1470 and FM961 to learn how to safely enjoy this chill holiday season!

Winter Safety Tips 防冬手冊

Winter Safety Tips 防冬手冊 Winter Safety Tips 防冬手冊
