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加拿大中文電台贊助第十七屆溫哥華華裔電影節 (VAFF 2013) 已於本星期初完滿閉幕。這是一個讓有才華的華裔電影人表現實力的平台,以及進軍國際舞台的跳板。其中令人矚目的是一部由華裔製片人鄭柏衡 Rick Tae 編劇兼製作的電影”John Apple Jack”Rick 在「度身訂造」由盧玉鳳主持的節目中,細說他的電影生涯及經歷。

Rick 是一位資深的電影人,但意想不到的是他在大學時期主修經濟和數學,後來才發覺自己真正鍾愛的是藝術,於是轉讀了音樂舞台劇。Rick 講述他最初是演舞台劇,亦曾經參與演出過一些電視劇、獨立電影和荷里活電影。可惜他漸漸發覺當華裔男演員所被指派演出的都是等閒或缺乏深度的角色,於是他開始轉移自己的路線,在編劇的工作上發展。而這部”John Apple Jack”Rick 在十二年前所寫的作品,因為當時他對愛情的經驗尚淺,所以在創作愛情故事上,自覺未能達至盡善盡美。直到他得到愛情的啟示後,於三年前把劇本重新修改,並且開拍成電影。


“John Apple Jack” 雖是一部愛情式喜劇,但在 Rick 的筆下,同時傳達了生活在溫哥華的華人,在日常生活中都離不開餐廳和飲食的話題,也因此成為他編寫這部電影時以餐廳作背景。”John Apple Jack”不只是本土製作,在電影中還起用了不同族裔的演員,例如飾演Jack 的華裔演員梁家成 Kent Leung,他就是溫哥華土生土長的演員。除了中西演員之外,還有印度裔,這也是 Rick 想表達出溫哥華多元文化的社會,亦是他喜愛的城市。


訪問中,Rick 向盧玉鳳表示自己對寫劇本十分有興趣,而且毫無困難,因為在他的腦海裡充滿很多題材正等著他編寫出來,他並透露已寫了十多部劇本在手。Rick 還提及他近年專注於幕後工作及編寫劇本。他期望”John Apple Jack”得到廣大觀眾的讚賞,可以一炮而紅,甚至令全球矚目!然而,以 Rick 今天的成就,足以令他的父母感到驕傲!至於廚藝,就是他工作以外的愛好。


Rick Tae, who is an actor in Vancouver, wrote the first draft of the script for his movie “John Apple Jack” which receives its world premiere as the gala centerpiece of the 17th annual Vancouver Asian Film Festival. He talked with DJ Mary Lo in her program that this movie is a romantic comedy inspired by his own experience. The characters in the film are certain to express his thoughts on romance, love and family. Rick also told Mary that he went to Pittsburgh, USA to study economics and math in Point Park University, but finally decided to switch his major to the arts of theatre with which led him to his career today. He lives in Vancouver for years and really loves this city so he decided to write a movie about this multi-cultural city to learn about the harmony of love between the east and the west. And Rick was so delighted that his parents appeared at the world premiere to share in his joy.