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Mary 訪問 側田


Justin Lo, a talented singer-songwriter, was in town for Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 as a special performing guest.  He grew up in Seattle, so he felt right at home when he arrived in Vancouver. In this interview with Mary Lo in “Mary’s Couture”, he gave us a “sneak preview” on his upcoming music project.  If you want to hear more about his plans, you definitely should not miss this interview!

 Mary 訪問 側田  Mary 訪問 側田

他在西雅圖長大,所以溫哥華也算是他一個頗熟悉的地方。舊地重遊,側田跟大家分享他對溫哥華的印象, 還有他近年在北京工作的生活點滴。在北京和在香港生活到底有什麼差別呢?而他又為何會決定離開北京, 重回香港樂壇呢?

 Mary 訪問 側田



Mary 訪問 側田  Mary 訪問 側田


Listen to “Mary’s Couture” - Justin's interview by Mary