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加拿大中文電台本週將送出FlyOver Canada門票,讓本台的幸運聽眾搶先體驗將於6/29起於Canada Place登場之世界級4D模擬飛行影音旅程!

From June 24 to 28, stay-tuned to Fairchild radio to win tickets for Vancouver’s newest ‘must-see’ attraction, FlyOver Canada!


Game 送 Fly Over Canada

這個30分鐘的飛行旅程分為3個部分,每個環節約為10分鐘。在一個名為Uplift(起飛)的預演之後。乘客們將進入戲院中感受這個前所未見的高科技視聽體驗。旅途中您必須繫上安全帶,更會飛過尼亞加拉大瀑布,國會山莊,冰川和Canada Place的五帆等地點。除了有震撼的視聽效果外,座位也會跟著飛機移動,此外戲院裡更會有雲霧和風等4D效果。

Game 送 Fly Over Canada

The experience in total is approximately 30-minutes long and is divided into three parts lasting 10-minutes each. It begins with a pre-show called Uplift, produced by the Montreal-based Moment Factory. Guests  are brought into a room where they will experience an audio-visual immersive show that will build context and audience anticipation prior to experiencing the main virtual flight ride.

Game 送 Fly Over Canada

請於本週留意加拿大中文電台 FM961 AM1470 全線節目,您就有機會獲得FlyOver Canada入場券。

遊戲熱線 Game hotline: 604-271-1470 (AM1470) & 604-295-9616 (FM96.1)。