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加拿大中文電台贊助的溫哥華亞洲電影節(Vancouver Asian Film Festival, or VAFF)已於日前圓滿落幕,其中由華裔導演李孟熙(Quentin Lee)所執導的《White Frog》獲選為閉幕片,這也是此部以華裔家庭為主題的電影首度與加國觀眾見面,閉幕當晚更是獲得極大的回響,而來自香港的華裔導演李孟熙日前也播空至加拿大中文電台接受《七點 Zone 了沒》節目專訪,專訪中更是提到自己非常喜歡恐怖電影,並且也計畫於明年的萬聖節推出首度嘗試的恐怖片,而《七點 Zone 了沒》的主持人Ginny更是抓住機會向導演大力推薦她的夥伴Gerald,笑稱若是由Gerald飾演厲鬼的話,肯定非常合適!

2012 Vancouver Asian Film Festival has came to an end, and the closing movie this year was《White Frog》directed by Hong Kongnese Canadian direcrtor Quentin Lee, and during his visit in Vancouver, Quentin met up with Ginny and Gerald for a fascinating interview for 《7PM Zone》of FM 96.1, and during the interview, Quentin told Ginny His idol director is Brian De Palma, who is famous for his suspense and crime thriller films, and Quentin is also planning to produce a thriller movie for Halloween next year, Ginny seized the opportunity recommanded Gerald to play an evil ghost in his upcoming scary movie!

而說到自己執導的《White Frog》獲選為溫哥華亞洲電影節閉幕片,Quentin更是感到驕傲,因為他16歲時就移民加拿大,他與好友Justin Lin合作的首部電影其實也曾在多倫多電影節與溫哥華亞洲電影節大放異彩,這一次能有機會與VAFF再續前緣,Quentin也感到十分興奮。


Quentin同時也在專訪中提到,《White Frog》這部片子是改編自朋友的親身經歷,對於華裔的移民家庭有著深刻的描寫,特別是執意於追求完美,而無法真誠地面對自己這個部份更有深入的琢磨。而本片也是他首度以較多的經費來拍攝的片子,片中除了與前輩陳沖擦出了絢麗的火花之外,共同參與演出的Booboo Stewart岑勇康(Harry Shum Jr.)以及所有的演員同時也表現出極高的專業程度,使得本片在18天之內就拍攝完成,而談論到片中的許多帥氣男孩,更令Ginny尖叫連連。

相信很多朋友也感到好奇,為何這部關於完美華裔家庭的電影要叫做《White Frog》?主持人Gerald也把握了這難得的機會向導演提出了這個問題,而Quentin的答案則是『一切都在影片中』,也就是說只要看過了電影,這個問題就會立刻得到解答,這其實也是編劇所預留的伏筆之一。此外Gerald也拿出了藝術專業,向導演請教在後製剪接時,是否會因為想要保留每一個畫面而無法取捨,Quentin的答案則更令人意想不到,他表示在即將發行的DVD當中,將會收錄全長一百二十多分鐘的完整版,因此不論是否已經在戲院看過,觀眾朋友未來在觀看DVD版本的《White Frog》時,都將會有意想不到的收獲!

The screening of 《White Frog》has brought a huge discussion to Asian community here in Vancouver, so what does a story about a perfect Asian family has anything to do with a white frog? Quentin told us that the answer to this question is hidden in the movie, you have to watch the movie in order to find out the answer. Quentin also announced the DVD of the movie is going to be released soon, and it will be a 2-hour full version.  Some scenes and sideline stories that didn't make it to the film will be shown in the DVD version.

導演李孟熙亦有與 AM1470 DJ 盧玉鳳暢談拍攝 White Frog 的幕後花絮