Sunshine Nation 剛剛舉行完畢,專為小朋友而設的 Little Sunshine 經已蠢蠢欲動,準備於 10 月 27 日在城中引爆。秉承以往多年成功發掘溫哥華的小萌星,今年的 Little Sunshine 歡迎 4 至 12 歲(以決賽日計),能說華語的小朋友報名參加(但加拿大中文電台及協辦機構員工之家屬不得參加)。透過 Little Sunshine 這個選秀平台,讓參賽者增強自信、發揮潛能和盡展所長!
If you want your kid to have a meaningful and unforgettable extracurricular activity, why not help him/her join Little Sunshine 2018? Being the finalists of Little Sunshine, not only will they undergo a series of professional training including on stage performance, catwalk and speech, they will also make a lot of friends and widen their scope of vision. Little Sunshine is a unqiue place for your kid to learn. Application is now open to all Chinese speaking kids of any ethnic background aged between 4 and 12 (age as of the date of the Finale), and not the immediate family of an employee of Fairchild Radio or the co-organizers of Little Sunshine. Click the link below to apply online or download an entry form today. Deadline for entry: September 27, 2018 @ 5pm.
為了方便家長替小朋友報名,除了親身遞交報名表格到加拿大中文電台時代坊辦事處外,今年的 Little Sunshine 新增網上報名,報名費$15(連稅),並需遞交或上載參賽者全身近照一張。截止報名日期是 9 月 27 日(星期四)5pm。面試將於 9 月 28 日進行。 Little Sunshine 決賽將於 10 月 27 日 2:30pm @ 八佰伴中心舉行,屆時參賽者將角逐 4 大獎項,包括 Little Sunshine 冠軍、才藝大獎、至特別造型大獎和網上至 LIKE 大獎。入圍的小朋友將會接受三星期的專業培訓,各導師將從儀態、舞蹈及口才三方面去提升參賽者的自信心和舞台經驗,為未來的個人成長打下良好的基石。
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